wait what is a jtoh anyway
(or "juke's towers of hell" as the full name) is a roblox obstacle course/obby/platformer kinda game
where you must ascend 10 levels of gameplay
(called "floors" by the game) in order to beat one of the hundreds of towers spread across 9 rings and 9 zones which the game offers
THE CATCH IS... that there are
no checkpoints, one fall and it's joever for you!!
almost all the towers are community-built, so it's a bit of a guess on how long the towers are to go through
some could be ten minutes, some could take hours... there's even an april fools tower that takes 52 hours of walking to complete
you can play the game
here and see the wiki for the game
these are TOTALLY normal links that definitely lead to the right website
here's a difficulty chart

it's a chart to show, well, the difficulty. the image above is from ring 1, rings 2-9 and zone 2-9 are
inaccessible unless you beat some towers first
(there may or may not be hidden subrealms to be found in the rings/zones which contain even more towers!)
at the bottom of the chart is
easy difficulty, anything in
challenging (the dark red one) or higher might get the mobile players struggling,
and anything in
insane (the #0028DB blue one) or higher are known as the
soul crushing difficulties.
why are they called soul crushing? well first of all, they're super tough, you might have to put aside a few days, weeks or months to grind and complete a tower in the soul crushing range.
but you also
can't buy items from the shop that let you jump boost or fly up to the end of the tower,
you get like cosmetics and bragging rights if you do it legitimately!
also that red tag on the chart is called a
citadel, they've got around 2-15 more floors than a tower, there's only 1 per ring/zone and you can't use shop items there either
that's about all the bare information you'll need to know, now for...
progression information
progression information is where i show my progress on my attempts on completing progressively challenging towers,
unfortunately you can't just use
this super awesome tower checker since i used vertical mobility
(the fly item in the shop)
to complete most of my towers because i wanted to see what the latest ones had to offer (and also because tower of overcoming hatred stinks)
this does make it harder to keep track though since everything is all muddled up, so here's my own list:
format: Tower Name (Difficulty Value, Location to find the Tower, Date of Completion in MM-DD-YY)
not including anything under intense because i don't remember which ones i did legitimately
and by difficulty value i mean easy is 1, medium is 2... intense is 6, remorseless is 7 and insane is 8
Tower of Orientating Oscillating Opinions (6.11, Ring 7, 05-06-21)
Tower of Extraordinary Adventures (6.12, Ring 5, ??-??-??)
Tower of Guided Trials (6.49, Zone 5, 09-20-21)
Tower of Icy Adventures (6.97, Arcane Area, 01-08-22) (difficulty was 7.02 when completed)
Tower of Tallying Every Mistake (7.02, Lost River, 07-21-23)
Citadel of Pyramid Escapades (7.07, Zone 8, 09-03-23)
Tower of Overbearing Vertigo (7.12, Zone 8, 09-08-23)
Citadel of Scythe Recognition (7.34, Ring 6, 08-16-24)
Tower of Chaotic Moments (7.35, Zone 2, 10-11-24)
Tower of Voyaging Into The Earth (7.92, Zone 9, 10-14-24)
Citadel of Peril (7.95, Zone 1, 10-21-24)
Tower of High Adrenaline (8.14, Ring 9, 12-26-24)
Obelisk of Peril (8.46, Zone 1-JTOHXL, 01-18-25)
favorite tower completed:
Tower of Forever Sleeping Flower (7.02, Ashen Towerworks, 03-07-24)
super unfortunate fails:
(these are in order of least severe to
Citadel of Scythe Recognition f9/17 x2
Tower of Verdant Entropy f9 x2
Obelisk of Laptop Splitting f23/29 (JToH XL)
Tower of Voyaging Into The Earth f10
Obelisk of Peril f23/31 x2(JToH XL)
Obelisk of Peril f25/31 (JToH XL)
Citadel of Peril f14/15 x4
Obelisk of Peril f28/31 x3 (JToH XL)